
How TVFMR got its name

The first time someone new hears the name 'The view from my rear' there's usually an understandable mouth twitch (and sometimes even an audible titter) as more than one possible imagined scenario pops into the mind. However, in all seriousness, it actually refers to the lovely view from the back of my house! The phrase itself stems as a result of my capturing an image of a rainbow arching over the end of the field behind my house. When I reviewed it on the camera the next day it was the actual phrase that immediately came to mind - and it lodged there ready for ultimate use as the brand name for my new business. Simples!

My photographic inspiration

When I was eleven I went on a school trip to London and during a visit to The Tower of London my class was invited to take a photo of one of the Beefeaters. A prize for the best photo was offered by the Beefeater - and I won it! It was that particular event that I have always credited with triggering my lifelong photographic interest. I still have the camera that I took the photo on and it remains one of my most treasured possessions.

>> Read the full story and see some of my more recent London photos.